Fixed Deposit
Posted By admin On 26/07/22For Retail Term Deposits above Rs 5.00 lacs but below Rs 2 crore, the penalty for premature withdrawal will be 1% (all tenors). The interest shall be 0.50% or 1% below the rate applicable at the time of Deposits for the period Deposit remained with the Bank or 0.50%. Five Year Tax Saving Fixed Deposit Get a combination of two benefits – saving tax while earning interest Save tax under section 80c of the Income Tax Act Invest. A CD (certificate of deposit) is a type of deposit account that’s payable at the end of a specified amount of time (referred to as the term). CDs generally pay a fixed rate of interest and can offer a higher interest rate than other types of deposit accounts, depending on the market. These accounts typically provide security for longer-term savings and no monthly fees, but at the cost of access and liquidity of the funds. A fixed deposit refers to an investment scheme that banks and non-banking financing companies provide. FDs offer greater returns on the principal invested when compared to the returns generated from a regular savings account. Fixed deposits have a fixed tenure, hence the name.



Fixed Deposit Promotion 2020
Enjoy competitive interest rates for your money invested for fixed periods! With a First Citizens Fixed Deposit Account you can be assured that your money grows safely and soundly. It means security for you and your family through medium to long- term savings. Invest wisely today by opening a First Citizens Fixed Deposit Account. TTD Fixed Deposits
USD Fixed Deposits
Additional Benefits
Please note: The Policy of the Bank concerning the payment of interest on Fixed Deposits broken before maturity is as follows: