Make Real Money Fast

Posted By admin On 27/07/22

Make Money Fast (stylised as MAKE.MONEY.FAST) is a title of an electronically forwarded chain letter created in 1988 which became so infamous that the term is often used to describe all sorts of chain letters forwarded over the Internet, by e-mail spam, or in Usenet newsgroups. In anti-spammer slang, the name is often abbreviated 'MMF'.


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Car rental apps like Turo and Getaround make it easy for car owners to make money by renting out their vehicles when they are not using them. Earning potential: up to $800 per month in some locations Car rental apps, like many other gig income streams, have blown up in popularity over recent years, especially in densely populated areas. So, my suggestion would be – if you want to make real money online, as in make a living – use the survey sites in your spare time for spare change. Instead focus your efforts on a method that can be a viable source of real income, blogging, affiliate marketing, freelancing, etc.

The original 'Make Money Fast' letter was written around 1988 by a person who used the name Dave Rhodes. Biographical details are not certain, and it is not clear if this was even the person's actual name. The letter encouraged readers of the email to forward one dollar in cash to a list of people provided in the text, and to add their own name and address to the bottom of the list after deleting the name and address at the top.[1] Using the theory behind pyramid schemes, the resulting chain of money flowing back and forth would supposedly deliver a reward of thousands of dollars to the ones participating in the chain, as copies of their chain spread and more and more people sent one dollar to their address.

According to the FAQ of the net.legends Usenet news group, Dave Rhodes was a student at Columbia Union College (now Washington Adventist University), a Seventh-day Adventist college in Maryland, who wrote the letter and uploaded it as a text file to a nearby BBS around 1987.[2] The earliest posting to Usenet was posted by a David Walton in 1989, also using a Columbia Union College account. Walton referred to himself as, 'BIZMAN DAVE THE MODEM SLAVE', and referred to 'Dave Rhodes' in his post.[3] The true identity of Dave Rhodes has not been found. A supposed self-published web site by Dave Rhodes was found to be fake.[4][5]

The scam was forwarded over e-mail and Usenet. By 1994 'Make Money Fast' became one of the most persistent spams with multiple variations.[6][7] The chain letters follow a rigidly predefined format or template with minor variations (such as claiming to be from a retired lawyer or claiming to be selling 'reports' in order to attempt to make the scheme appear lawful). They quickly became repetitive, causing them to be bait for widespread satire or parody. One widespread parody begins with the subject of, 'GET.ARRESTED.FAST' and the line, 'Hi, I'm Dave Rhodes, and I'm in jail'.[8] Another parody sent around in academic circles is, 'Make Tenure Fast', substituting the sending of money to individuals on a list with listing journal citations.[9]


The text of the letter originally claimed this practice is 'perfectly legal', citing Title 18, Sections 1302 & 1341 of the postal lottery laws.[1] The U.S. Postal Inspection Service cites Title 18, United States Code, Section 1302 when it asserts the illegality of chain letters, including the 'Make Money Fast' scheme:[10]

There's at least one problem with chain letters. They're illegal if they request money or other items of value and promise a substantial return to the participants. Chain letters are a form of gambling, and sending them through the mail (or delivering them in person or by computer, but mailing money to participate) violates Title 18, United States Code, Section 1302, the Postal Lottery Statute (Chain letters that ask for items of minor value, like picture postcards or recipes, may be mailed, since such items are not things of value within the meaning of the law).

It also asserts that, 'Regardless of what technology is used to advance the scheme, if the mail is used at any step along the way, it is still illegal.'[10] The U.S. Postal Inspection Service asserts the mathematical impossibility that all participants will be winners, as well as the possibilities that participants may fail to send money to the first person listed, and the perpetrator may have been listed multiple times under different addresses and names, thus ensuring that all the money goes to the same person.[10]

In recent years, one avenue that spammers have used to circumvent the postal laws, is to conduct business by non-postal routes, such as sending an email message and instructing recipients to send money via electronic services such as PayPal. While the specific laws mentioned above will only be violated if regular postal mail is used at some point during the process of communication,[11] the sending of chain letters is often prohibited by the terms of service and/or user agreements of many email providers, and can result in an account being suspended or revoked.[12][13]

How To Make Money Fast Online

See also


  1. ^ abWatrous, Donald. 'Dave Rhodes chain letter'. Personal website at Rutgers University. Retrieved June 15, 2012.
  2. ^DeLaney, David. 'net.legends FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)'. Retrieved June 15, 2012.
  3. ^Walton, David. 'A Great Money Maker - Scientifically Proven'. Usenet (archive provided by Google). Retrieved June 20, 2012.
  4. ^Levene, Tony (March 28, 2003). 'Will the real David Rhodes stand up?'. The Guardian. Retrieved June 15, 2012. The article states that Purvis died in 1955, while Wikipedia's article on Melvin Purvis places the year of his death at 1960.
  5. ^Rhodes, Dave (alleged). 'Dave Rhodes' Web Site'. Archived from the original on June 18, 2004. Retrieved June 18, 2004.CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  6. ^Rudnitskaya, Alena (2009). The Concept of Spam in Email Communications. GRIN Verlag. p. 6. ISBN978-3640401574.
  7. ^Gil, Paul. 'The Top 10 Internet/Email Scams'. Retrieved June 15, 2012.
  8. ^Christian, Ronald O. (May 1996). 'Dave Rhodes (or'. Ariel Computing Pty. Ltd. Retrieved June 15, 2012.
  9. ^DeMers, David (February 16, 1999). 'Make Tenure Fast'. New York Times. Retrieved June 20, 2012.
  10. ^ abc'Chain Letters'. United States Postal Inspection Service. Retrieved June 15, 2012.
  11. ^Mikkelson, Barbara & David P. 'Chain Letters'. Snopes. Retrieved June 16, 2012.
  12. ^'Security: Phishing and Spam'. University of Arkansas. Retrieved June 16, 2012.
  13. ^'Gmail Program Policies'. Retrieved June 16, 2012.

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Much is possible with a smartphone and a fast internet connection.
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Looking for ways you can make money right now? If things are tight and your back is up against the wall, there's a path forward. In fact, there are many. Especially when it comes to generating that income online. The best part? We're so interconnected that there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of ways you can make money, almost immediately, from the comfort of your home.

What do you need? You might not even need a laptop for the most part. A tablet or a smartphone might just suffice. And, of course, you do need an internet connection. A sound mind might help you as well. Along with the ability to stay focused and be persistent no matter what happens.

So if you're determined to generating some much-needed cash and you can't wait weeks or months, then here's what you need to do. First off, don't expect to snap your fingers and get rich. That isn't what this article is about. Now, in general, making money on the internet can be boiled down into the following categories:

Selling products: You can sell all types of products on the internet. You don't need a laptop. But, a smartphone is crucial. You can source these products from places like Alibaba's and re-sell them on eBay, Amazon or build your own Shopify store or ecommerce funnel.

Related: 10 Lucrative Side Gigs for Millennials Looking to Earn Extra Money

Selling services: Most people earn their money online by selling services. This can range from low-ticket services through sites like Fiverr, to more expensive high-end services on Upwork or through your own coaching or consulting funnel.

Do tasks for others: You can always do tasks for others. If you're simply looking to make a quick buck and not have to wait or have to build an email list or a sales funnel, there are plenty of tasks you can perform, right now, that will put money in your pocket.


Selling information: Information products are huge. Massive, in fact. You could quite literally get rich selling information if you know what you're doing. If you're a ninja online marketer, then you can expect that. But, even if you're not, there are ways to turn your ideas into stacks of so-called paper.

Leverage the sharing economy: Turn your existing assets into money right now. Leverage your home or your car or your recreational vehicles, even, to make a bit of money quickly.

Related: 15 Easy Ways to Make Extra Money at Home

How to make money starting now.

The strategies that you'll find below will help you make money either right now, within hours, or some within days or weeks. The truth? You're not going to get rich employing these strategies overnight. But, if your back is against a proverbial wall, they might help you out of a bind, and fast.


Whether you're looking to make money quickly or you're okay with having it take a bit of time, stay persistent. You can't snap your fingers and expect money to materialize. But, then again, if you focus on the right thoughts, you'll eventually get where you need to go. Remember, mindset is everything.

1. Sell products online

There are a variety of ways you can sell your products online. Use Facebook's marketplace for instance. You can also leverage eBay and sell things at auction. Plus, there's always Craigslist. The trick? Use quality photography and great lighting. Build sensory-rich descriptions that entice people to purchase whatever it is that you're selling.

Related: 10 New Ideas for Making Money on the Side

2. Sell used books on Amazon

Amazon is a great way to unload used books. But, you can also sell a variety of other items on Amazon as well. You could opt to start an Amazon FBA. You could source products on Aliexpress and drop-ship them from Amazon. That gives you a near-hands-free method of running an ecommerce business without much of the hassles of personally dealing with returns and customer service.

3. Start a Shopify ecommerce store.

Why not build a full-blown Shopify ecommerce store? Create a niche and sell a variety of products directly on your store. Advertise it using Facebook ads. There are an endless supply of blue-ocean niches that are far less competitive than some of the more crowded red-ocean ones that have spawned an endless sea of merchants vying for the consumer's attention.

4. Build a free-plus-shipping ecommerce sales funnel.

Use ClickFunnels to build a free-plus-shipping offer. Create a low-ticket front-end offer that will draw in the customers. On the next step of the funnel, hit them with your core offer. After that? An upsell. Maybe a down-sell if they don't take that. Maybe even a high-ticket up-sell at the very end. Once you get the hang of sales funnels, the sky really is the limit.

Related: A Complete Guide to the Highest-Paying Jobs, Companies, Freelance Jobs and More

5. Do gigs on Fiverr

If you're looking for a quick fix, sell gigs on Fiverr. Everyone knows about the gig economy. It's evolved over the years. And today, they're not just five-dollar gigs that you're selling. But, you need to build credibility first. Deliver real value. Go out of your way. Get stellar reviews. Then. And only then. Can you really kick things into high gear.

6. Sell services on Upwork or 99Designs

Upwork and 99Designs are great ways to sell higher-ticket services. If you're a seasoned web developer, designer or have skills in other arenas such as the law or accounting or elsewhere, try your hand here to make a bit of money quickly. You will need some sort of track record. But, if you have existing clients, ask them to retain you here so that you can build up your online credibility quicker.

7. Build a high-ticket coaching or consulting funnel.

Another way to make money now would be to sell high-ticket coaching or consulting services. If you're an expert in a particular arena, sell your services. If you understand business, coach entrepreneurs. If you understand finances, help people navigate their debt and expenses, maybe even their investments.

Related: 10 Side Hustles Ideal for Making Some Spare Cash In the Evenings

8. Manage social media, SEO or Facebook ads for clients.

Want to make some serious money? Manage social media. Do SEO. Run Facebook ads and other paid ads on YouTube or Google for instance. There is loads of money to be made if you know what you're doing. If you can attain huge conversion rates, then people will happily pay you a hefty percentage of that ad spend.

9. Walk dogs or house-sit.

Use a service like to walk dogs. Offer up your services and go out of your way to make clients happy. Build up credibility and rapport. Get raving-fan reviews and you won't have a problem making money quickly no matter what day of the week or month it might be.

10. Babysit, be a nanny or become a daycare professional.

Great with kids? Want to be a nanny? Maybe a daycare professional? Use a website like to easily source gigs for babysitting. Use can also use the site, along with many others out there, to find work as a housekeeper and even a senior care giver.

11. Use Amazon's Mechanical Turk to do micro-tasks.

Take up menial tasks on Amazon's Mechanical Turk platform. They're micro-gigs. Small tasks that don't pay much. But, they also don't require much brain power. String them together and you just might make a few extra bucks. Great if you're in a bind and you need that cash right now.

Related: Are You Ready for a Side Hustle? Here's How to Know.

12. Do virtual tutoring or assisting.

Speak a second language? Know a musical instrument? You can make money online with just your laptop and an internet connection. Use Skype or Zoom or Google Hangouts to teach to one or more people at the same time. You could also become a virtual assistant, especially if you're highly organized and are great at completing tasks and being time effecient.

13. Rent your house as a vacation rental.

Have a home in a popular vacation destination? Why not drop it on AirBnB? You could also have a professional property management company that specializes in short-term rentals like InvitedHome or Luxury Retreats, or any number of others, to help you manage and rent out the property.

14. Drive for Uber or Lyft.

If you need fast cash in a hurry, why not drive for Uber or Lyft? You could easily make a few hundred or even a few thousand extra per month. If you have a newish car and a clean driving record, this is a viable option. You won't get rich. But, it does pay the bills.

15. Rent your recreational vehicle.

Make Real Money Fast Online

A lesser known segment of the sharing economy has cropped up with sites like RVShare. The truth is that most people who own recreational vehicles have them sitting around collecting dust. Why not rent them out and earn an income from that asset?

16. Create information products.

Apps To Make Real Money Fast

I've had a mild obsession with information products. They're boundless. Limitless. Not only can you make money fast with them, but you can make an obscene amount of it. No warehousing costs. No fulfilment costs. No manufacturing. Nope. None of that. Pure profit. For the most part at least.

17. Build an online course.

Build a member-based course and sell it online. You can use existing platforms like Udemy or Teachable or Kajabi to do this. Or, you can build your own through software like ClickFunnels and even other cloud-based membership platforms. What can you sell in a course format that would help you deliver real value to others and in turn make a serious amount of money?

Free Ways Make Money Fast

18. Create an evergreen webinar.

Webinars are a thing of beauty. You can easily make money online by building an evergreen webinar. Use GoToWebinar, by far the best webinar software out there, to build a webinar that will help you earn money on autopilot. Combine that with software like ClickFunnels and powerful email sequences and watch as your income rockets through the roof.