Posb Fixed Deposit Rate
Posted By admin On 03/08/22S$ Fixed Deposit is a time deposit account that lets you save your cash with minimum amount and earn high interest rate. Get S$ Fixed Deposit Account with POSB Bank and enjoy convenient banking. PIA Features & Benefits (Applicable for Singapore dollars Fixed Deposit only) Choice of tenors from 6 months Earn additional 0.10% p.a. Interest #, added to the prevailing board rate for your deposits Automatic renewals: Upon maturity, your deposit will be automatically renewed for the same tenor at the prevailing interest rate. POSB Fixed Deposit Review FD Interest Rate. CODES (3 days ago) There is currently no fixed deposit promotional rate for POSB / DBS Fixed Deposits. The current highest fixed deposit rate is a POSB / DBS board rate The current Money Lobang National Average Fixed Deposit Rates for February 2021 is 0.47% p.a.
Deposit Details
8 mths | 12 mths | 18 mths | |
$1k to <$20k | 0.60% p.a. | 1.15% p.a. | 1.30% p.a. |
Enjoy 0.60% p.a. for 8 months fixed deposit
Interest rates are applicable for minimum placement amount of $1,000 and maximum amount of $19,999

Interest rates for tenors of 8 months and below are applicable for all customers
Receive 1.30% p.a. for 18 months fixed deposit
Receive 1.15% p.a. for 12 months fixed deposit

Receive 0.95% p.a. for 9 months fixed deposit
Interest rates for tenors of 9 months and above are applicable only to rollover of existing placements at the same tenor
Placements may be made via iBanking or at any POSB branches
You are eligible for this account if you are at least 12 years old
Click here to go to POSB website for more details about POSB Fixed Deposit
Historical Chart and Deposit Rates
Posb Fixed Deposit Rate 2020

* Interest Rates based on highest fixed deposit rate with
maximum deposit amount of $75,000 and 3 to 18 months tenure
POSB / DBS current highest fixed deposit rate is 0.60% p.a. for 8 months tenure with maximum deposit of $19,999.
There is currently no fixed deposit promotional rate for POSB / DBS Fixed Deposits. The current highest fixed deposit rate is a POSB / DBS board rate

The current Money Lobang National Average Fixed Deposit Rates for March 2021 is 0.46% p.a.
Posb Sg
The average monthly highest fixed deposit rate for POSB / DBS since 2018 is 1.23% p.a.
Posb Fixed Deposit Rates Singapore
POSB / DBS has not had any fixed deposit promotional campaigns